More people around the world are opting out of dairy consumption. Allergies, intolerances, preference, veganism, there are many reasons for people choosing to not consume dairy products. However, there are still a lot of misconceptions about dairy, the dairy industry and dairy as a healthy part of our diet.

The Myths
The story of humans consuming dairy started thousands of years ago during the Neolithic period, around 8,000 - 10,000 years ago, when humans started to domesticate goats, sheep and cattle in West Asia, Europe and parts of Africa. At this time a lot of humans were lactose intolerant, they could not digest the sugar in milk after weaning off of their mother's milk. However, as the dairy produced was given to young children they started to adapt and maintain the ability to digest lactose. There was also a genetic difference in some groups, caused by a mutation, that allowed them to digest lactose throughout life, which still persists today. 5,000 years later, humans continued to consume dairy, people started to experiment and made cheese, yogurt and other foods that meant that milk didn't have to be drunk straight away. Processing the milk made it last longer and also provided food sources with different nutrient values, an example is cheese which has a higher calorie and lower lactose content than milk.
the production of dairy products is intricately linked to environmental impacts such as global warming, land use changes, freshwater eutrophication, and water depletion
Patricia Ferreira Ponciano Ferraz et al
The industrial revolution brought huge changes to dairy and lead to the creation of the dairy industry. Mechanical methods of cow milking, pasteurisation, mechanised cheese and cream making and refrigeration meant that more milk could be obtained, it could be turned into more food products that were safer for people to eat and drink. But, they could also be stored far longer allowing these products to be packaged and transported farther. This took dairy across the world.
To sell these amazing dairy products the idea that humans need them had to be pushed, and so began the myths.
1. Myth: Milk Is Essential for Strong Bones
Reality : Contrary to popular belief, studies show that countries with high dairy consumption actually have higher rates of osteoporosis. Plant-based sources of calcium such as leafy greens and fortified non-dairy milk are just as effective in promoting bone health. It was thought that not drinking milk and eating dairy products lead to low bone density and higher risk of bone fractures, however, the connection seems to be stronger between low vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, and broken bones.
2. Myth: Dairy Is the Best Source of Protein
Reality : While dairy products do contain protein, they also come with high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol. Plant-based sources like legumes, nuts, and seeds provide ample protein without the harmful side effects of dairy. For those that do drink milk and eat dairy studies have shown that, on average, people are consuming more protein than they need, more than is considered healthy. This would suggest that a shift to a plant-based diet, with lower amounts of protein, less fat and less cholesterol, would be healthier.
3. Myth: Cows Naturally Produce Milk for Human Consumption
Reality : Cows, like all mammals, only produce milk to feed their young. The only way to milk cows the way that the dairy industry requires means that cows are artificially inseminated, the calf is taken away, usually after one or two days of the mother being with her baby, then the baby's milk is taken from the mother using machines. The calves are sent to slaughter. Cows don't produce milk for humans at all, the dairy industry just uses animal cruelty and suffering to make money.
4. Myth: Dairy Is Good for Digestion
Reality : Many people are lactose intolerant, 80% of the world's population in fact. This means that they are unable to digest the lactose present in dairy products. This intolerance can lead to digestive issues such as bloating, cramps, and diarrhoea. Experiments and studies have found that consuming milk can cause leaky gut, also known as increased intestinal permeability. This is a condition where the lining of the small intestine becomes damaged, allowing undigested food particles, toxins, and bacteria to "leak" through the intestinal wall and enter the bloodstream. This can potentially trigger an immune response and lead to inflammation and various health problems. Dairy consumption has also been linked to acne, eczema and higher rates of cancer, particularly breast cancer.
5. Myth: Dairy Is Necessary for a Balanced Diet
Reality : Dairy is not necessary for the vast majority of the planet, in fact there are countries where there is no dairy farming as no one consumes milk in any form. A well-planned vegan diet can provide all the essential nutrients our bodies need, including calcium, vitamin D, and B12. Plant-based alternatives offer a healthier and more sustainable option.
6. Myth: Dairy Is Antibiotic-Free
Reality : The non-organic dairy industry relies on antibiotics to prevent diseases in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions. Also, in dairy cows infections that reduce milk output and lead to financial losses for farmers are common, to combat this farmers use antibiotics to kill bacteria. Antibiotics are given to animals in their feed in amounts that lead to antibiotics leaching into cows' milk, which humans then eat and drink. Overuse of antibiotics, 70% of all antibiotics are given to farm animals, has lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that can pose very serious health risks as they no longer work for people when they get a bacterial infection.
7. Myth: Dairy Is Environmentally Friendly
Reality : Animal agriculture, including the dairy industry, is far from environmentally friendly and is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water pollution. Land being cleared for animal farming results in deforestation and loss of whole ecosystems. The land cleared to grow feed for farm animals causes more land clearing. The chemicals used on the plants grown for animal feed cause pollution of the soil and waterways. The waste from the animals causes more pollution, of both land and water. Farming animals requires huge amounts of water that areas cannot always afford. Then there's the use of fossil fuels to power all of it. Transitioning to plant-based diets can significantly reduce our carbon footprint.
8. Myth: Dairy Is the Only Source of Vitamin D
Reality : This isn't simply a myth, it's a straight up lie. Dairy products are fortified with vitamin D, it is added to milk in the same way that it is added to breakfast cereals, however, sunlight exposure and plant-based sources like fortified plant milks and foods can also provide an adequate amount of this essential nutrient. Yet, doctors recommend that everyone take a vitamin D supplement as insufficiency is so common.
9. Myth: Dairy Is a Humane Industry
Reality : Behind the idyllic imagery of dairy farms, cows grazing in open fields with calves playing around them, lies a grim reality of animal exploitation and suffering. Cows are subjected to confinement, artificial insemination, and a cycle of constant pregnancy to maximise milk production, until their bodies are spent.
In conclusion, debunking these myths sheds light on the unnecessary reliance on dairy products in people's diets. By embracing a vegan lifestyle and exploring plant-based alternatives, we can promote compassion towards animals, protect our health, and contribute to a more sustainable future for the planet. In saying no to dairy we say no to forcing cows to have babies, we say no to having babies taken away from their mothers after only one or two days of them being together. We are saying no to cows being bred to produce so much milk that it causes them ain, to the point where being milked is a relief. We are also saying no to cows having their bodies used until they can no longer make money for humans and are sent to be killed. There is nothing that can be said to make this ok, especially when we don't need milk, we just don't need it.
Remember, going dairy-free is not about sacrifice but about making conscious choices that benefit animals, our health, and the environment. Let's ditch the dairy myths and pave the way for a kinder and more compassionate world.
Stay informed, stay compassionate, and stay plant-powered!
This blog post aims to educate readers on the realities of dairy production and consumption, highlighting the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle while debunking common misconceptions about the dairy industry. By providing valuable insights and promoting vegan alternatives, the narrative encourages readers to make informed choices that align with their values and well-being.